November 1

Functional Medicine: Why You Need It.


Thousands of Americans suffer with chronic health conditions
that can’t be explained by medical doctors. Chances are, you’re one of them. There
are very few things more devastating than walking into a doctor’s office hoping
for answers and relief only to be told, “There’s nothing we can do.” Or my
personal favorite, “There’s nothing wrong with you.”

I’m one of them. And I speak from experience when I say it’s devastating to live in chronic, debilitating pain only to be told by countless doctors that “we have no idea what’s wrong with you, but here, take this pill for pain.”

It all started for me seven years ago. During my recovery
period after having major surgery. I bent down to pick up an empty laundry
basket and something happened in my spine. I fell straight to the floor. Nerve
pain flooded my body. And it didn’t stop. For years, in fact.  I visited chiropractors, physical therapists,
and every specialty of medical doctor you can think of and was offered no
answers, or relief. That’s when I turned to functional medicine.

Here’s why

If you’ve ever suffered from a chronic health condition, you
know how badly it can disrupt your life. Everything you do begins to revolve
around how you’re feeling that day. Or how close to a bathroom you are at any
given moment. Or if your depression gives up enough to be able to climb out of

I’ve never suffered with bowel issues per se, but I know how
debilitating chronic conditions can be. When I started researching functional medicine,
I knew that was the route I wanted to take. I was lucky enough to find
ProActive Health, and I started working with Dr. Erik right away.

I soon realized that Dr Erik knew what he was doing. He was
the first to offer me answers with a protocol . . . that worked. Because of the
progress I had with Dr. Erik, I was inspired to pursue a career in functional
medicine coaching and we now work together in helping heal people their chronic
health conditions.

ProActive Health isn’t your run of the mill medical clinic.
Nor is it your cookie cutter functional medicine clinic (hang tight, I’ll get
into that later). We take your health concerns very seriously. We stray far
from the traditional medical method of handing out pills when the going gets
rough and issues “can’t” be figured out.

What makes
us different?

We figure out your issues. We do that by using functional
medicine practices that start with the very foundation of your body and organ
systems: your mitochondria.

Let me

Functional medicine focuses on identifying and addressing
the root cause of illness. Why is this important? When our bodies aren’t
functioning the way they should be, there could be multiple reasons why. A
functional medicine doctor looks at all systems and how they’re working (or not
working) together. Functional medicine doctors differ from allopathic doctors
by looking at the body as a whole.

A trend we see often in functional medicine is patients who’ve exhausted all efforts, avenues, and hope with allopathic medicine and end up with no options or solutions. They come to our clinic desperately seeking answers. In those cases, when we sit down and go over environment, lifestyle, diet, and exposure to toxins, we’re able to see the big picture. From there, we determine potential deficiencies, imbalances, and we’re able to connect the dots. When looking at our patients as a whole, we get to the root of what’s causing the symptoms. 95% of the time, those symptoms are caused by mitochondrial dysfunction. We start at the cellular level. Because of that we’re able to offer up answers, provide protocols, and get our patients going on their healing journey.  

There are many aspects to healing. When looking at the body
as a whole, one must take into account not only diet and nutrition, but stress
factors, lifestyle, daily habits/routines, mental and emotional states, and
environment. We wish it were as easy as popping a pill. Unfortunately, in
today’s blue lit, pesticide-ridden, stress filled world, there’s so much more
that goes into diagnosing and healing than, “Here, take this pill.”

We all have a bucket, so tis speak. And when you factor in
diet, blue light, sleeping patterns, vaccines, circadian rhythms, stress,
lifestyle ­­– whatever it may be, our buckets fill up. To the point where just
one more thing can push us over the edge. That’s when illness, dysfunction,
autoimmune issues, and cancer present themselves. Almost as if out of the blue,
but not out of the blue at all.

At ProActive Health, we specialize in healing the entire
being. From head to toe. Mind to gut. We offer treatment options that get to
the very foundation of your core; we actually start at the cellular level. If
you’re struggling with weight loss, autoimmune, chronic pain, or fatigue
issues, we’ll get you on your way to living your best, healthiest life.

How do we do

Doctor in white coat standing with his arms crossed holding a stethoscope.

We start with a baseline. We look at the root cause. We look
at each organ system and how they’re functioning together. We go over your case
with a fine-tooth comb. We look at your history, your lifestyle, and dive deep
into your environmental stressors. We teach you the tools you need to
incorporate the healing methods that will bring your body back into balance. We
are not a one-trick pony. We look at all angles. All sides. All factors.

All functional medicine doctors are not the same. A lot of functional medicine doctors focus mainly on one or two aspects of healing. The foundation of their protocols is diet and supplements. Is diet important? YES! Do supplements have a use? ABSOLUTELY. But we have found, through our own research and experience, there’s so much more that goes into balancing your system and regaining your health than just food and supps.

I saw this repeatedly with the various functional medicine practitioners I worked with. After hopping from medical doctor to medical doctor, I found myself doing the same with functional medicine doctors. Most of which looked at my labs, put me on a strict diet, and pumped me full of supps. Did the diet help? Sure. Did the supps work? Sometimes. What I found is that very few functional medicine doctors actually take a completely wholistic approach.

Until I found Dr. Erik.

At ProActive Health we look at everything that’s filling the bucket. We note the imbalances. We gauge how each organ system is working together. We focus on the culprits that cause the illness; the culprits that cause unhealthy cells. We educate you on how those factors come into play. And we give you the tools which gives you the power to heal yourself.

Your body is a walking miracle. Your mind is a powerful tool. You have the capacity to heal from anything. You just need to know how to do it.

We show you how to do it.

If you’re struggling with weight loss, autoimmune issues, or any other kind of health problem, click here to schedule a free consult.


alternative healing, functional medicine, functional medicine doctor, mitochondria, root causes

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